Electric Transit Incorporated (ETI) 9801-9805
Production articles started arriving in late 1998 from the facility on Woodley Ave in Dayton. These production buses were different than the demonstrators ... they
were 104" wide (vs 96") in order to accommodate a wheelchair getting past the front wheel wells, and they had a wheelchair lift at the front door versus the back door
on the demonstrators. Modifications which drastically changed the structural nature of the bus from its legacy as a Skoda 14Tr.
According to Harvey Hylton, 9801, while being the first production bus, was delivered to Dayton, was looked over by the RTA, and
was sent back to Hunt Valley in order to support the production line. He says it was the among the last if not the last bus to enter revenue on the RTA.
9803 has been preserved in the Czech Republic
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