Public Transportation in Dayton Ohio from 1870 to 2007
Harvey I. Hylton, P.E. August 10, 2007
Horses, Mules, and Rails
Dayton Ohio, has a rich history of public transportation, which has its origins in an 1869 horse-drawn streetcar
line that ran East-West across Third Street. The western terminus was at King St (aka Western Avenue, JH McGee) and the other
end of rail was near Findlay Street in East Dayton. The proprietors of the Dayton Street Rail Road, Messrs Huffman and Williams,
were both men of means, each having extensive undeveloped real estate at each end of the line. The main purpose
of this new transportation wonder was to encourage the sale of residential lots for new homebuilders ... Messrs
Huffman and Williams owning significant portions of the land. The line was an immediate success, and became a great investment
for the proprietors.
Other investors saw the opportunities to profit by establishing new street railways, and
soon new horsecar routes were running to lower Dayton View, up the Wayne Avenue Hill, out Valley Street,
and across Fifth Street. A short-lived line was built that ran between the public bathhouse on North Main
Street and thence south through downtown as far as the railroad station, located at Sixth and Ludlow St.
This short line was soon abandoned, and a new line was constructed to run out Brown Street to what is
today Five Points, where Far Hills Ave, Oakwood Ave and Thruston Blvd intersect. It was through-routed with the
Dayton View line, and became known as the Oakwood and Dayton View Street Railway. Again,
the driving force behind most of these early street railways was to augment the sale of new housing tracts. Much
of today’s layout of the City of Dayton was established by these car lines. A nice side profit was also
made by the sale of horse manure to local farmers, which was concomitantly fouling the streets, much to the
unhappiness of residents living along the horse/mule streetcar routes.
[Webmaster's note] It deserves mention that the duration of time the original Oakwood horsecar ran to Five Points
is debatable. Your humble webmaster does not doubt that it was extended there in 1872 or 1875 when the line was
started. However, multiple different histories gloss over the fact that ridership to Five Points would've been
near zero due to Oakwood having only about 90 homes until the line was electrified in May 1895. Further, there
is a plethora of evidence from contemporary documents that point to this line going not much farther south than
Brown and Stewart (or Rubicon Creek). Now back to the story ...
The Electric Streetcar
These affairs continued unabated until the summer of 1888, when a new-fangled mode of public transport was
introduced to Dayton. An entirely new streetcar line was built, extending from Fairview and North Main Street, southward
to downtown, where it jogged over Third Street to Ludlow Street, ran south to Washington Street, thence west, crossing
the river, out Germantown Street, and eventually terminated at the lake on Gettysburg Avenue, opposite the Soldier’s Home.
What made this line so unique was the fact that it was propelled by electricity, taken from an overhead wire.
On opening day, August 8, 1888 (8/8/88), free rides were given to all comers. Several fistfights broke out
among the crowds vying to get on one of the new electric cars. The owners of the White Line Electric Railway,
as this line was known, soon were running to the bank with handsome profits from their operation.
But like any new endeavor, there were teething problems that quickly surfaced.
Tap-dancing Mules and Smoking Switchboards
The White Line Electric traversed the Oakwood horse car rails for a few blocks on Main Street, between Third and Monument.
The electric cars also used the rails for an electrical return path to the power house on Germantown Street,
just beyond the grade crossing of the two steam railroads. But the Oakwood companies’ rails were not electrically
bonded together (yet). Shortly after commencement of the electric line, Oakwood mules were often seen tap-dancing on
Main Street, and occasionally sparks shot out of their tails.
Bonding the rails together cured that situation, but then the telephone company started to experience mysterious fires
in their downtown switchboards. The streetcar company had to reimburse the telephone company for damages, and
thereafter had to provide better insulation on the poles they shared with the telephone company. Then rumors surfaced
that riding on the new electric cars would magnetize and damage the passenger’s priceless Hamilton watches. That
eventually proved to be erroneous. Eventually the efficiency of the electric cars (and the mitigation of animal
droppings) soon led to electrification of all the other existing horsecar routes, one-by-one. By 1896, with the
electrification of the People's Wayne Ave line to the Asylum, all the horses and mules were happily turned
out to pasture.
Unification Begins, Interurbans Arrive
Starting in 1893, street railway corporation mergers commenced, resulting in three primary lines -- City Railway,
People's Railway, and the Oakwood Street Railway emerging, and all soon electrified, if not already so. Each
had their own coal-burning, steam-powered, electric power generating plant.
In the late 1890’s, Dayton was rapidly becoming the hub of another exciting mode of transportation, the electric interurban
railway, that entered Dayton over private railway trackage. Two interurbans, the Dayton & Miamisburg Traction Co., and the
Dayton-Xenia Traction Company, soon commenced offering local service over the city portions of their trackage as they entered
Dayton. Thus by 1900 or shortly afterwards, counting the two interurbans carrying city passengers, there were twelve electric
city railway lines radiating out from the Dayton Central Business District (CBD), offering public transportation within the city.
The interurban craze soon added five more interurban lines entering Dayton, but these were usually not considered as
streetcar lines per se, albeit that they used street railway tracks to get in and out of the Central Business District.
Additional Electric Streetcar Lines
Additional electric car lines were soon introduced. People's Railway built their new Cincinnati Street and Leo Street lines in 1903;
and extended the Valley Street line from Alaska Ave to Bickmore St. City Railway built new lines on Broadway/Lexington (to Rosedale),
Kammer Avenue (to McNary), and East First Street/Webb (to Pruden and Sachs), in 1904, 1906 and 1911, respectively. These four City
Railway lines all diverged off of the pioneer Third St line, and thus all ran through Third and Main Streets.
And in 1909, another entirely new electric city streetcar line was built by latecomer Dayton Street Railway
(not to be confused with the pioneering company, Dayton Street Rail Road), this line extending from Linden/Santa Cruz to
Salem/Catalpa. The Oakwood Street Railway was extended south out Far Hills Ave/Lebanon Pike to Forrer in 1916 and Monteray in 1918.
Thus by the dawn of the 1920s, Dayton was well served in every quarter by a multitude of electric rail service. Extensions continued:
- The East Fifth Street line was extended from Jersey Street up the Huffman hill to Overlook Avenue (now Smithville Road);
- City Railway made a short extension north on Elmhurst to Second into Residence Park;
- In 1927, People's extended their North Main Street line by acquiring the abandoned Dayton Covington and Piqua
interurban track from Maplewood out as far as Forest Park, near Siebenthaler.
- The final Dayton streetcar extension was made in 1937 when City Railway bought about 3 miles of abandoned
Dayton & Western interurban trackage on West Third Street between Elmhurst and Miller Road, and created the
Drexel Transit Company, thus providing Drexel with direct streetcar service into downtown Dayton.
(Ironically, this final extension was also the final streetcar operation in Dayton in 1947)
It also should be noted that People's Railway also owned and operated two successful public amusement parks: Fairview Park
on North Main Street, and Lakeside at the terminus of the Lakeview line. A big attraction every Sunday at Fairview was an
elk that jumped into the lake from a platform—; a real crowd pleaser. People's Railway had to haul trailer cars to handle the crowds.
Long after the roller coaster at Lakeside was demolished, Lakeside continued as
the Lakeside Palladium, which was the largest public dance pavilion in west central Ohio. Big name bands were featured.
For many years a unique operation was conducted by People's at their Lakeside terminus; the beautiful waiting station
there also served as a transfer facility for rural mail carriers. People's Railway brought mail out from the central
Dayton post office, and the postmen for Western Montgomery County took the mail further west in horse-drawn buggies.
Nice little piece of business for the People's.
Counting the in-city operations of two interurbans, Dayton had six separately owned streetcar operating companies until 1933,
surely a record of anywhere in the US.
Here Comes the Trolleybus: Orange, Brown, Red, Yellow, and Green
In 1932, the Dayton Street Railway (DSRy) had a devastating fire in their car barn on Lorain Avenue,
destroying almost all of their streetcars. With their tracks also in bad shape, and the depression in
full sway, Dayton Street had little money to rebuild the infrastructure of their street railway system. A
solution was found by stringing one additional trolley wire, and introducing a fairly new transportation
mode for the time, the rubber-tired electric trolley bus (ETB). Twelve of the famous Brill T-40 model
ETBs sallied forth on the 23rd of April 1933. They were an immediate success, and residents all over the
city clamored for the other railcar operators to convert to the fast and quiet vehicles that loaded passengers at the curb.
One-by-one all but one of the other companies did convert to ETB, and the final rail car ran its last mile
in November 1947. Thus for a short period in 1941 Dayton had five separate ETB operating companies,
again a situation not found anywhere else. This fact alone garnered for Dayton a very unique legacy
among transit operations. Starting in 1941, the largest company, City Railway, began to acquire the other,
smaller, companies. Not until late 1956 did Dayton have one unified transit operating company. At that time,
since rail cars had been long gone, the resulting merged company was renamed City Transit Company.
Glory Days for City Transit Company
After the merger was completed, City Transit Co. embarked upon a re-routing of several lines, something
that had been espoused by Dayton city officials for years, but practically impossible under diversified operators.
In the sixties, City Transit even extended trolleybus routes into the growing fringes of the city, and implemented
a few motorbus feeder routes into low-ridership areas, thus providing a comprehensive public transportation service
throughout the Dayton area. City Transit routes, with very few exceptions, rarely ventured beyond Dayton, Oakwood,
and Kettering. Under the leadership of W. W. (Bill) Owen, one of the nation’s most dynamic advocate of public transit
as opposed to private automobile commuting, the durable trolleybus was the mainstay of the City Transit Company.
The trolleybus was always perceived as environmentally friendly, which in later years brought about an unexpected public
support for retention of trolleybuses, rather than follow the hundreds of other cities that replaced them with diesel-powered motorbuses.
Suburban motorbus service was provided by smaller, independent, bus operators, often operating only during the AM and PM rush-hours.
Ridership on most City Transit Co. routes remained profitable through the early nineteen sixties, but trouble was on the horizon.
Glory Days at City Transit Company Screech to a Halt
In the later 1960’s, public transit ridership drastically declined in most US cities. Dayton was no
exception. Revenue collection by the City Transit Company dwindled to a point where service cuts had
to be made; evening and Sunday service were the first to go. Bill Owen, President of City Transit
lobbied hard and long for a local operating subsidy, but that did not materialize. Instead, a new
publicly-owned entity was formed in 1970, the Miami Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA). This
new agency was controlled by trustees representing Dayton, Oakwood, and Kettering, the three cities
that City Transit operated in.
The new MVRTA entered into negotiations with City Transit about purchasing the privately-owned system and
its properties, infrastructure, and vehicle fleet, which were mostly elderly trolleybuses. The RTA had plans
to completely operate the bus system with new diesel-powered motorbuses, and not buy any of City Transit property
or equipment. Bill Owen would have to remove all of his trolleybus infrastructure, and dispose of the trolley fleet.
A strong argument set forth by the MVRTA trustees was that “trolleybuses had not been in manufactured in twenty years”. Owen
soon mounted a public campaign to retain the trolleybus as the primary mode, albeit under the forthcoming new public management. Bill
used scarce money to buy a new trolleybus made in Canada, brought it to Dayton, where it had a
sign painted on it declaring “New Trolleybus”. During the prolonged negotiations, City Transit
struggled to provide a modicum of public service. After very tenuous negotiations, City Transit
agreed to sell their property to the MVRTA for less than $3 million. On November 2nd, 1972, the RTA
slapped their stick-on logos over the City Transit logos on the sides of the buses, and took over
operations. With the exception of Bill Owen, City Transit employees instantaneously became new MVRTA employees.
MVRTA Takes Over
As soon as the new public agency became responsible for public transportation in the three cities, service was
partially restored to former levels. But the RTA soon learned that the farebox revenue didn’t come near to what it
needed to conduct operations at a level even close to what the private company had been doing for many years before
the crunch came. What to do? Meanwhile, remember, suburban transport was provided by small independent bus companies,
giving limited service to residents living outside the boundaries of the three MVRTA cities. Obviously, a form of
subsidized support was quickly needed, or the MVRTA would face the same dilemma, as had the City Transit Company. How can
subsidy be obtained? The US government may have been willing to grant monies for new equipment, etc., but no money for operations.
County-Wide Service?
An idea surfaced whereby if the MVRTA expanded its service throughout Montgomery County, perhaps the citizens would
support the expanded service via a sales tax imposed upon most retail sales in the county. Put up for referendum by
the voters, it was defeated the first time, in 1978. The MVRTA persisted with this plan, and in 1980 it was finally
passed by the voters, who thereby agreed to tax themselves ½% on retail sales in the county. The MVRTA commenced
negotiations with the several small bus lines that had been providing limited suburban service. Some sold their
operation to RTA, others got out of the business. The RTA soon bought several second hand diesel transit buses, and
started service out into the county over new routes, many of which had never seen public transit. On a few trolley
lines, which had been cut back to the city limits, once again ventured out beyond city boundaries. Concomitantly
with the County-Wide service, the RTA Board of Trustees was expanded to include representation from the County at
large. Also, new diesel buses were bought, allowing the badly deteriorating used buses to be retired. Then the
old issue about the trolleybus system came forth once again.
Shall We Dump The Trolleybus?
The Board continued to be overwhelmingly against renewal of the trolleybus system. But public support for
retention of the trolleybuses became exceptionally vocal, driven by the Citizens for Clean Air, League of
Women Voters, and a new consortium, the Save Our Trolleys Coalition (SOTC). These groups, largely led by a
private citizen, one W. W. Owen, forced the Trustees to rethink the matter; soon 64 new Flyer trolleybuses
were ordered, just in time to replace the decrepit old Marmon-Herringtons and Pullman-Standard trolleys, then
approaching 30 years old.
Guess Who Gets Appointed to the MVRTA Trustee Board?
After the County-Wide referendum was passed, the Board of Trustees was greatly expanded. Former City Transit
President W. W. (Bill) Owen, a nationally respected transit expert, with some 50 years experience in the field,
continued, as a private citizen, to often deeply criticize the management of the MVRTA.
Surprise! In the early 1980’s, the Montgomery County Commissioners appointed Bill as one of their trustees on the
MVRTA Board. During his last year on the Board, his fellow Trustees elected him President of the MVRTA Board.
During his tenure on the Board, his penetrating questions often made the RTA staff squirm, to say the least.
Another Trolley Fight?
After barely eight years of County-Wide operation, it became apparent that for the County-Wide motorbuses to
get in and out of the central city, they had to travel on the same streets that also have trolleybus routes
on them, thus causing duplication of service in many cases. So, in 1988, with the Flyer trolleybus fleet just over
10 years old, (1/2 of their life expectancy) the Trustees became enamored with the dual-mode bus concept, wherein
the bus has both a diesel engine and electric trolley propulsion. A demonstration vehicle was brought to Dayton,
but since it was an articulated bus, and such long buses where then illegal in Ohio, nothing came of it. But
soon a new Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued for new trolleybuses. In late 1988 cost proposals were received; the
Board thought the price was outrageous, and cancelled the action. Shortly thereafter, some of the trolley overhead
was dismantled, causing many observers to perceive the trolley system was doomed. During this same period, RTA had on
contract the manufacture of several small “packaged” substations. When it was revealed publically that RTA’s management
was quietly trying to find a some other buyer for the subs, getting out of the contract, an uproar was made by the
pro-trolley coalitions. Almost immediately upper management was changed, and the Trustee Board
directed that “the trolley issue be revisited.” But Bill Owen had already gone to his grave, at age 89, assuming
his beloved trolleys would soon follow.
Trolley System cut-backs
In 1987 the MVRTA eliminated two trolley routes, and essentially replaced them with diesel buses
running duplicative service. On March 24th, Route 2W (Home Avenue) which ran into the VA Home loop,
was dismantled due to US 35 expressway construction over much of the route. Diesel route 22W replaced
2W by running on nearby streets. Lightly used route 8N (Leo) was discontinued on September 24th; diesel
route 22N covers portions of the old trolley route.
From 4/27/93 until August 2000 route 8W (Lakeview) no longer went around the lake, but instead terminated
at a loop just short of the lake near Bowie Avenue. This again was due to US 35 expressway construction.
New Trolleybuses, Once Again
In 1994, a contract was given to Electric Transit Incorporated (ETI) for a fleet of new trolleybuses. ETI was a
wholly-owned subsidiary of SKODA in the Czech Republic (CZ), and AAI in Baltimore, Maryland. The new Dayton trolleys
were close relatives to the SKODA 14TR, which is widely used in Eastern Europe. Modified to meet US safety standards, the frame and
propulsion system are made in Ostrav, CZ., then shipped to Baltimore where AAI put on the exterior skin. These “shells” were then
trucked to Dayton, where at an ETI facility the final assembly was done. The first of the ETI/SKODA trolleys arrived in late 1995; the final, 57th
bus, was accepted in September 1999. These trolleys are fitted with wheelchair lifts, powerful air conditioning, and other passenger-friendly
amenities. An auxiliary battery (APU) system allows limited off-wire travel, often needed to circumvent a detour.
Hubs and Extensions to the Trolley Routes
Starting in 1996, the MVRTA embarked upon a plan to extend trolleybus service, with new routes and extensions to existing
ETB lines being made. Additionally, hubs were built in outlying neighborhoods, where inter-route transfers could be made without
going all the way into Wright Stop Plaza, at Third and Main.
In June of 1996 the Radio Road extension was made to Route 1E. A new, long, route was opened in August 1999 from the new Westown
Hub on Elmhurst to Hoover and Miller Road in Trotwood.
In August of 2000 several major ETB route extensions were opened, serving the new Hubs. On the East side, both routes 3E and 4E were extended
out Linden Avenue to the Eastown Hub, making connection with several diesel routes. Route 8 was extended on both ends, to the new Hubs.
Once again traversing around the lake, 8W ran via Gettysburg and West Third to Westown Hub, connecting with several other ETB and diesel routes.
Route 8N was extended out Salem Avenue to the new Northwest Hub.
Diesel Buses
Motorbuses have operated in Dayton since about 1924, but these were initially feeder-bus
routes to extend service beyond the electrically-operated main line vehicles, both streetcar and
trolleybus. City Transit operated one or two lightly used routes that traversed the center city. These
smaller buses were gasoline powered until the mid-sixties, when diesel became the dominant engine choice.
After the commencement of County-Wide service, large diesel buses were bought to service those long routes.
Wheelchair lifts were installed on all buses to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
The MVRTA was one of the first transit properties in the US to be fully ADA compliant. In 2001, the MVRTA was
renamed the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority (GDRTA).
Changes thru mid-2007
In February 2007 the GDRTA made significant route and service changes, reflecting a desire to contain operational
costs within a tighter budget. As a result, only routes 7 and 8 are now full-time ETB-operated. The Nicholas Road
branch of 8W has been eliminated, as has the Redwood loop on 7N. Route 4 is ETB daytime only. Route 3 has daytime
ETB service on the west end, with only a few trips running through to the east end of the line. Both ends of routes
1, 2, and 5 see only one ETB run each weekday AM and PM. These routes have duplicative diesel routes over most
of their territory. Extensive changes to the all-diesel routes were also made at the same time.
In Summary
The history of public transportation in Dayton in one of extreme interest to transit historians, largely
because of the retention of electric trolleybuses in such a relatively small city. Also, the late-in-the-game final
consolidation of the several separate transit properties provided a variety of transit equipment never
operated concomitantly anywhere else. It is hoped this brief discussion covers most of the salient points.
Dayton Transit History in Photographs
PS: There are literally thousands of great photographs of Dayton’'s transit vehicles available for viewing on the Internet.